Taking Care of Your Mental Health During a Pandemic

According to The Washington Post, telepsychiatry is not new when it comes to taking care of our mental health needs. Writers, Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, a psychiatrist and Chirlane McCray, the first lady of New York City, note that this method has been around for two decades. The hope was to connect doctors to their patients in rural areas where there was limited access if any, to mental health evaluations and treatment.

Most technology today in accordance to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a law that protects patient privacy, permits for you to connect with your provider while practicing social distancing. According to this article, “providers can support and validate their patients while helping them to stop the catastrophizing that sends our thoughts spiraling with worst case scenarios. Counseling and therapy, and gentle support from family, community and friends can help someone struggling with anxiety to regain their equilibrium”.

“People are hurting right now. Anxiety disorders are real health emergencies that can cause psychological symptoms such as confusion, heightened senses and insomnia as well as physical symptoms ranging from sweaty palms to heart-rate elevations. A pandemic is the perfect weapon to heighten these disorders or set them off in previously healthy people”. Social distancing is best to fight the spread of infection but we want to avoid isolation. Face to face therapy is always best and a nice way to connect with your provider, however during these trying times it’s great to know that we can still get our needs met by staying connected.

Blog post by Frances DaLomba, LICSW

To read article please click on link below https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/23/coronavirus-is-mental-health-emergency-too-we-must-remove-barriers-care/

One thought on “Taking Care of Your Mental Health During a Pandemic

  1. Yes, your argument regarding the importance of virtual psychiatry sessions to help people cope with extreme isolation was as close to the truth as there is. My son was ordered to undergo self quarantine in his own apartment and until today he hasn’t been let go yet. That seems to take a toll on his mental well-being and I’m so sad about it. I’ll ask him to consult a specialist so he can slowly recover from the situation.

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