Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is prevalent across the United States and affects over three percent of the population every year (approx: 6.8 -7.0 million people). Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are restlessness, feeling keyed up more often than not, exhaustion, constant worry, even when you can acknowledge the concern is more serious more than it should be. Additionally, those suffering from GAD may experience poor concentration, irritability, trouble sleeping, racing thoughts as well as persistent muscle tension.

With appropriate treatment, symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can be managed and reduced, allowing patients to reengage in many of their favorite activities. Effective therapies include cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. As with any form of treatment, a patient’s resolve to change, and an openness to new ideas is essential for progress in returning to their favorite activities.

Rhode Island Counseling Associates looks forward to helping you begin the journey to recovery and personal fulfillment. To schedule an appointment, call 401-259-0340 or fill out our contact form.