What I learned today about Event +Response= Outcome and Cognitive Behavior Therapy


Today I participated in a webinar on Success Principals hosted by the Rhode Island College Alumni Association. The esteemed presenter was Tara Hall, M.S from Inspired Solutions. Tara Hall holds an undergraduate degree in Communications and a Masters Degree in Organizational Management. She has over 20 years of combined experience in leadership, coaching and training. Tara is a Jack Canfield Certified Success Principles Trainer. And as you may have already guessed she is an alum from the Class of 1992. Tara is also an old classmate who I met in middle school in the 7th grade. Yes, i said 7th grade and don’t ask me what year that was because its definitely a blur..lol

My take on this great presentation reminded me of what we as clinicians do when it comes to Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Basically, this presentation talked about how scary setting goals can be and we often get stuck on whether we can achieve these goals. She talked about how Event +Response =Outcome. That right there; speaks volumes.

Here is where the CBT comes into play in relation to this equation. How we think of an event or goal determines our response ( or action) which equals outcome. In CBT, how our thoughts and/or perception of things result in our behavior. Negative thoughts or cognitive distortions (fancy word for negative thoughts) impact how we pursue our goals. Whether its behavioral, like when we procrastinate or emotional. The fact is that these negative thoughts keep us in a state of being vs doing. I used to work with a colleague who would always say, ” if you want to run with the big dogs, you gotta get off the porch”.

No one expects change to happen overnight. But those baby steps count. This is where today’s presenter talked about the power of 5%. If you devote 5% of your time to achieving your goal it is a great start. Keep in mind everyone has different goals and you are not alone. In our breakout groups today we discussed goals such as weight loss, career options, education, spending more time with kids, to giving up caffeine.

Ok, hope you are ready for my shameless plug….Tara has a book with all these wonderful tips which I just ordered. If interested you can go to her website which you can click here…https://www.tarahallinspiredsolutions.com/ or Amazon.

Written by Frances DaLomba, LICSW Class of 1993 and 1999

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